The following research reports have been either compiled or completed by Transportation Options, and are now available to share with you, your business or organization. We are always looking for new research and research partners, particularly on the impacts of cycle tourism in Ontario. If you have any additional research you think should be posted here, or comments on any of the research please let us know. We ask that if you use any of the information below it's source is correctly cited.
Ontario Cycle Tourism & Cycling Activity Report 2023 This study published in January 2024 by Ontario By Bike provides detailed insight into cyclists’ riding habits and trip preferences, highlighting the fact that cycle tourism in Ontario is growing and making a valuable contribution to the tourism economy in the province. Economic and Tourism Impact Study of Thunder Bay Waterfront Trail Expansion (March 2023) Study to assess the impacts of the proposed 13.5 km, multi-use, non-motorized waterfront trail in Thunder Bay estimates that it will contribute $18.6 million to Thunder Bay’s GDP over the 10-year period. Ontario Cycle Tourism & Cycling Activity Report 2021/2022 Building on past sector reports and from survey issued in Nov/Dec 2021, to which over 1,200 cyclists responded, find info on Ontario cyclists profile, preferences, habits, past travel, impact of spending on businesses and anticipated travel plans for 2022.
Cycle Tourism & Cycling Activity Survey Report - COVID-19 (November 2020) In October 2020, over 900 cyclists responded to a survey issued to assist tourism partners, tourism businesses and related organizations understand the impact of COVID-19 on cycle tourism and cycling activities and help plan for the future. An overview of findings, key facts and detailed report, building on results from May survey, is available for download. With results intended to assist tourism partners in Ontario, the findings can be applicable in other jurisdictions across Canada and internationally.
Ontario Bicycle Events Survey Report (2019) Research was conducted to gain information about cycling event participants in Ontario, understand their needs, profile and to identify market trends.
Gravel Cycling Market Research Report (2019) Gravel road cycling is growing in popularity. Find out more about this market and its demographics, along with the promotions and events that are attracting these types of cyclists to destinations in Ontario and across the U.S. With very little research available elsewhere, in this report are included insights into what municipalities, regions and tourism organizations can do to further develop their gravel cycling tourism product.
Cycle Tourism in Ontario: A Report on the State of Ontario's Cycle Tourism Sector (2019) New in February 2019, and update on 2015 report From Niche to Now, containing extensive information compiled by Transportation Options, new primary research and data shared from a variety of partners and sources, providing insight into the status of this growing tourism sector, and comparing data to earlier years, to track growth and changes.
Developing Cycling Itineraries for the Cycle Tourism Market (2019) Examining examples world-wide and best practices, research and analysis included within this report was completed with the goal to provide recommendations for developing cycling itineraries for the cycle tourism market and also work towards recommending and creating a standardized itinerary template for display and promotional purposes.
Best Practices for Cycle Tourism Wayfinding (2019) This research highlights the best practices for cycle tourism wayfinding with an aim is to provide tourism and cycling stakeholders with a snapshot of successful initiatives and recommendations that incorporate these best practice concepts to help future decision-making as it relates to the implementation cycle tourism wayfinding projects.
Best Practice Research for Businesses in Cycle Tourism (2018) This research highlights successful operations with outstanding products or services within the cycle tourism sector. It hopes to provide tourism businesses and stakeholders with a snapshot of successful initiatives and best practice concepts to help them elevate their tourism offerings as it relates to cycling, cycle tourism and business development.
Ontario Cycle Tourism Statistics 2015(Published 2017) & Ontario Cycle Tourism Statistics 2014 Using Statistics Canada’s Travel Survey of the Residents of Canada and International Travel Survey data, the Ontario Government, Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport published the following 2 reports analyzing most recently available data from 2015 and 2014.
Bicycle Friendly Campgrounds - Cyclists Survey (2017) An online survey conducted by Ontario By Bike, with the aim of connecting with cycling community, offering an opportunity to provide feedback on visiting campgrounds with bicycles. Survey provides insight into understanding current satisfaction levels, identifying areas of needs and concerns at campgrounds and to profile of cyclists visiting campgrounds in Ontario.
Cycle Tourism Regional Research Reports (2016) A study incorporating a number of methodologies examining the impact of cycle tourism sector in across 3 regions in Ontario. Download PDF reports for: Windsor/Essex County; Halton Region; and Prince Edward County.
Excerpt from Ontario By Bike Network Participants Tool Kit (2016) Why Welcome Cyclists? International, Canadian, Ontario cycling stats, economic impact data and case studies. As published and made available to Ontario By Bike workshop and program participants.
Cycling Markets Ontario (2013) Prepared by Resource Management Consulting Group. Research completed for and shared through the generosity of Tourism Simcoe County, Blue Mountain Village Association and Centurion Cycling, and Direction Ontario
Statistics Canada, Travel Survey of Residents of Canada (2011) Canadian visitors (including from Ontario) who participated in cycling activities while vacationing in Ontario. Note break in data / change in collection methods - these figures can not be compared to previous years. Retrieved with the assistance of Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, Research Unit.
For more information on any of the above reports or additional research please contact us at: info (at) or (416) 827-2774 / 1-866-701-2774