The following research reports we sourced and are now available to you, your business or organization. We are always looking for new research on the impacts of cycle tourism in Canada. If you have any additional research you think should be posted here, or comments on any of the research, please let us know. We ask that if you use any of the information below it's source is correctly cited.
A Report of the State of E-bikes in Canada (2023) E-bikes have a huge potential to grow cycling and make it more accessible to more people. Stuckless Consulting Inc. has launched a free report to address challenges and issues, includes research insights, strategies for increasing e-bike access, stories from people who ride e-bikes, and more. Cycling in Québec (2020) Every five years since 1995, Vélo Québec has prepared a detailed report on cycling in Québec. Topics covered and analyzed in are cyclists’ habits, the economic, health and ecological benefits of cycling, use of bicycle-friendly facilities and cycle tourism.
Western Canada Mountain Biking Tourism Association Find a number of studies using 2016 data with comparisons to 2006 research and looking at the growth in riders, visitor spending and economic impact of mountain biking in the North Shore Vancouver, Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton plus the Sea to Sky Corridor overall.
Sea to Sky Corridor Overall Economic Impact of Mountain Biking (2016) A study in British Columbia aimed to determine the economic value of mountain biking resulting from visitor spending in North Shore Vancouver, Squamish, Whistler, and Pemberton plus the Sea to Sky Corridor overall.
Cycle Tourism in Quebec: Portrait of Customers (2014) Commissioned by Vélo Québec, this report highlights the amount cycle tourists spend in total and on average in Quebec. Also trip length, accommodation preferences and profile characteristics of cycle tourists in the province. The methodology included a survey of cyclists (Quebec residents and visitors alike) staying at Bienvenue cyclistes! facilities
Canadian Iconic Trails Study (2014) Summary of research completed with assistance from Ryerson University, examining 4 Canadian trails, with info on trail development, user demographics, marketing, tourism and economic benefits. Trails include: Cabot Trail, NS; Confederation Trail, PEI; Galloping Goose Trail, BC; La Véloroute des Bleuets, PQ.
For more information on any of the above reports or additional research please contact us at: info (at) or (416)827-2774 / 1-866-701-2774